Dr. Professor, Associate Dean
E-mail: zhangkj@dhu.edu.cn
Office: Room 508, Glorious Sun School Building
Office Phone: 021-62373558 |
Kejing Zhang (Dr. Prof. Female, Born on Oct. 18. 1970, in Hebei Luquan, China) received her doctoral degree from University of Karlsruhe (Germany) in 2004. In 2006, she was awarded Shanghai Pujiang Scholar by STCSM (Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality). She serves as one of the directors of Shanghai Association of Engineering Management.
- 2000.8--2005.3,University of Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT),Ph,D. (Financed by Deutsche Akademische Austausch Dienst, DAAD Scholarship);
- 1999.9--2000.7,Tongji University, Deutsch-Kolleg,Learning German
- 1993.9--1996.4,Donghua University, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Master Degree
- 1989.9--1993.7,Donghua University, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Bachelor Degree
- 1986.9--1989.9,Hebei Shijiazhuang No.1 middle school
Work Experience
- 2014.5 --, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Associate Dean, Prof.
- 2011.10 --,Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Prof.
- 2006.10月--2011.10 Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Associate Prof.
- 1998.4--2006.9, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Instructor
- 1996.4月--1998.04, Glorious Sun School of Business & Management, Teaching Assistant
Teaching Courses
- Undergraduate Courses: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, IBM Technologies, Introduction to Decision Support System, Innovation & Design Thinking, Systematic Inventive Thinking
- Graduate Courses: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Management Information System , Data, Model and Decisions
Research Interests
- Decision Analysis, Supply Chain Management, Innovation.
Visiting Experience
- 2000.8--2005.3,University of Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT),Research Assistant;
- 2007.2--2008.5,University of Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT),Visiting Scholar;
- 2010.1, Westminster College, U.S.A.,Visiting Scholar;
- 2012.1--2012.2,Westminster College, U.S.A.,Visiting Scholar;
- 2016.8,Carleton University, Canada,Visiting Scholar;
- 2016.10,University of Notre Dame, U.S.A.,Visiting Scholar;
Research Projects
- Shanghai Pujiang Program Project(09ZR1401300),Research on Resource Intelligent decision support system for Renewable Resource Industry,2006-2008,200K;
- Shanghai Natural Science Foundation Project(06PJ14003),Research on Eco-Efficiency of E-Waste Recycling System,2009-2010,100K,
- Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Science Planning Project,Research on Coordination of Reverse Logistics Network for E-waste Recycling(12YJA630185)2012-2016,86K。
- IBM-SUR Project(HX201602000011),Research on "The Analytics Solution of Mining Consumers' Shopping Decision-Making Scenarios at Online Clothing and Shoes Stores,2015-2016,120K。
Selected Publications
- Development of integrated multi-criteria group decision support system, Shaker Verlag, 2004, Aachen.
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis--Theory, method and application. Kejing Zhang, Baoan Yang, Donghua University Press 2008
- Kejing Zhang, Liling Huang. Research on Cross-border E-commerce platform selection in China small & medium-sized enterprises. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2015). p182-185, December 28, 2015.
- Kejing Zhang, Jing Ji. Research on Pricing Decision of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Based on Carbon Tax International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences 2015; 3(5): 623-629
- KejingZhang, Shuang Feng. Research on revenue sharing coordination contract in automobile closed-loop supply chain. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2014). p298-302, November 17, 2014.
- Bin Wu, KejingZhang. Research on coordination contract with two ordering opportunities under CVaR criterion In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI 2014). p 209-212, November 17, 2014.
- X.L.Yan, K.J. Zhang. Research on Dual –Channel Sourcing of the Processor in E-waste Recycling Reverse Supply Chain. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science. DEStech Publications Inc. 1228-1333,2013
- T.M.Tong, K.J. Zhang. Two-part Tariff Coordination Contract of Two-echelon E-waste Reverse Supply Chain with Third-Party Collector. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Science. DEStech Publications Inc. 1180-1187, 2013
- K. Zhang, B. Ma,P. Dong. Drivers and Implications of Service Science,In the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences, Beijing, 2009.9. pp 1-5(EI:20100212630824)
- K. Zhang,P. Cang,J. Geldermann,F. Song. Research on Innovative Information-Flow Management of E-Waste Recycling Network Based On Cloud Computing,In Proceedings of the 2010 International Chinese Control and Decision Conference,pp.1049-1053,(EI: 20103213139545)
- K. Zhang, P. Cang, F. Song, J. Geldermann. Research on STOF-Model-Based Innovation of E-Waste Recycling Service System. In the Proceeding of the 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010) ,pp.1-5 (EI: 20104813439339)
- K. Zhang, J. Geldermann, B. Yang, F. Song. Optimization Model on Sensitivity Analyses for Additive MADM. In: Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management & Engineering (13th), Harbin Institute of Technology Press, pp.375-380 (EI: 20082111266831)
- K. Zhang, H. Chen, C. Dai. Research on the Effects of Information Technology on Knowledge Work Productivity, In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, 2010 (EI:20110613644027)
- K. Zhang, P. Dong, B. Ma, B. Tang, H. Cai. Innovation of IT Service in Textile Industrial Clusters from the Service System Perspective. In the Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management (ICLSIM 2010) 2010, pp 1-5(EI: 20102312981883
- K. Zhang, B. Ma, P. Dong, B. Tang, H. Cai. Research on Producer Service Innovation in Home-Textile Industrial Cluster Based on Cloud Computing Platform, In: Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, Qingdao, 2010, pp.155-160 (EI: 20104113288607)
- S. Cao, K. Zhang. Optimization of the Flow Distribution of E-waste Reverse Logistics network based on NSGA II and TOPSIS. 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government. (ICEE 2011) Shanghai 2011.5, pp.1427-1431 (EI: 20112914160710)
- S. Wei, K. Zhang. Optimization Model of E-waste Reverse Logistics and Recycling Network, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System & Knowledge Engineering ISKE 2008.pp.1436-1442 (EI:20090911922545)
- H. Chen, K. Zhang. Stackelberg Game in a Two-echelon Supply Chain under Buy-back Coordination Contract, In: Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics IEEE/SOLI’2008.pp.2191-2196 (EI:20090111840499)
- L. Liang,K. Zhang. Coordination in Retailer-Dominant Two-Stage Supply Chain Based on Lead-Time Reduction,In the Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government. Guangzhou, 2010.5, p3215-3222(EI:20104913458784 )
- W. Liu,K. Zhang. Research on Competitiveness Evaluation of Seamless Garment Enterprises based on PROMETHEE Method, 2009 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Beijing 2123-2126(EI: 20101212777919 )
- B. Ma,K. Zhang. Research of Apparel Supply Chain Management Service, In the Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences, Beijing, 2009.9(EI:20100212630361)
- Z. Tang, B. Yang, K. Zhang. Design of Multi-Attribute Knowledge Base Based on Hybrid Knowledge Representation. Journal of Donghua University (Eng. Ed.) Vol. 23, No. 6(2006) pp.62-65 (EI: 20075010967464)
- K. Zhang, S. Wei. Optimization model for the planning of e-waste reverse logistics network,In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Material Handling ICMH 2008,China Machine Press, pp.56-61 (ISTP:BIQ14)
- K. Zhang. A study on the assessment system of tourism sustainability. In: Y. Zhang (Eds.) Proceedings for the 4th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Tourism, MICE and Management Techniques Session (Part I) September 20-21, 2008 Tianjin, China WVB publishing, pp.107-114 (ISTP:BJF31 )
- X. Wang, K. Zhang, B.A. Yang. Optimal Design of Reverse Logistics Network on e-waste in Shanghai.The Eighth Wuhan International Conference on e-Business(WHICEB2009),2009,5:VOLS I-III :2726-2732.(ISTP: BJZ06)
- K. Zhang. Rough Times in Guiyu--E-waste Recycling in China,Recycling M@gazine,2007(5):8-11
- K. Zhang, M. Froehling,O. Rentz. Determining Factors for the Planning of an Electronic Waste Takeback and Recycling Network in China. In proceedings of the international ECO-X conference on Sustainable Recycling Management & Recycling Network Centrope, May 9-11, 2007, Vienne, pp.141-148
- K. Zhang, M. Frueling, O. Rentz. Plannung eines Ruecknahme- und Recyclingsystems fuer Elektro- und Elektronikschrott in China. In: Karl J. Thomé-Kozmiensky, Andrea Versteyl, Michael Beckmann, Produktverantwortung--Verpackungsabfaelle, Elektro- und Elektronikgeraete und Altfahrzeuge. 13.-14.06.2007,Hannover, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-953517-28-3, TKVerlag Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky, Neuruppin 2007,pp.339-350
- K. Zhang, D. Guo, B. Yang, F. Song. Design of Electronic Waste Recycling System in China. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2006, Springer Verlag, 2006 Germany, pp.265-270
Papers (written in Chinese)
- Zhang Ke-jing, Chen Hang. Research on Coordination Through Markdown Money Contract Based on Confirming Storage Finance. Logistics Sci-Tec. [J]. 2016 (10) 143-147
- Zhang Kejing, Li Na. Study on Supply Chain Coordination Based on Deferred Payment under Buy-and-sell Mode. Logistics Technology [J]. 2016 (9) 125-129
- Wang Sufen, Zhou Lan, Zhang kejing. Research on Bi-directional Value Co-creation Network between producer service provider and Textile & Apparel Manufacture. Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science) [J]. 2013(39)5: 682-694
- Feng Shuang, Zhang Kejing. Analyis of Revenue-Sharing Contract under Many-to-One and Retailer-Dominant Supply Chain Structure. Journal of Donghua University (Natural Sciencce) [J]. 2012(38)3: 344-349(CSCD,Corresponding Author)
- Fu Zhengyi, Wang Ling, Wu Xiaojun, Zhang Kejing. The Summary of Hotel Performance Measurement -Based on the Adoption of Data Envelopment Analysis. Tourism Forum [J].2012(3)90-94
- Zhang Kejing, Wei Shanshan. Implication of E-waste Recycling System in Germany based on EPR for China. Environmental Protection [J].2008(B) 76-79 (CSSCI )
- Zhang Kejing, Wei Shanshan. Comparison of Overseas E-waste Recycling Systems and Their Enlightment to China. POPULATION , RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT [J].2009(2)109-115(CSSCI)
- Zhang Kejing, Chen Ying, Gao Changchun. Value -chain-based Research on Criteria System of Creative Cities Competitiveness Index [J]. 2009(4)39-42,47(CSSCI)
- Chen Huilin, Zhang Kejing. Stackelberg Game in a Two-Echelon Supply Chain under Buy-Back Coordination Mechanism,Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science) [J]. 2009(35)5:585-591(CSCD ,Corresponding Author)
- Zhang Kejing,Cang Ping, J. Geldermann. Application of MACBETH and PROMETHEE in Waste Recycling System Evaluation , Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)[J].2010(36)6: 697-702 (CSCD )
- Zhang Kejing,Cang Ping, Gao Changchun. Research on City Creativity Index Evaluation Based on Topsis and Entropy Methods. Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science) [J].2010(36)1:81-85 (CSCD)
- Zhang Kejing, Chen Huilin, Dai Changjun. Research On Effects of Information Technology on Knowledge Work Productivity and Concept Model. Journal of Intelligence [J]. 2010(29)8:197-202 (CSSCI)
- Zhang Kejing, Gao Changchun. Evaluation of Competitiveness of Creative City Based on PCA methods [J]. 2010(29)4: 68-71 (CSSCI)
- Wei Shanshan, Zhang Kejing. Optimization model of facility location decision in e-waste reverse logistics network. Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science) [J]. 2010(36)5: 574-580(CSCD)
- Chen Ying, Gao Changchun, Zhang Kejing. Research on Creativity Index and Index System in Zhejiang Province, Science & Technology Progress and Policy [J]. 2010(1)116-119 (CSSCI)
- SORSA(Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholar Association), Member of Council
- SORSA, Donghua University Chapter, Secretary, Member of Council